분류 전체보기(269)
[TOEFL/Writing] Question 1 : Broken windows theory
The writer and the lecturer both discuss the "broken windows theory". The writer explained the theory, and the lecturer asserted the other aspects of the theory. The writer explained that it is the theory that criminals commit more serious crimes if people do not repair broken windows in a bulding over time. It means that people are not motivated to create other problems if communities solve sm..
2025.03.27 -
[TOEFL/Writing] Question 2 : Develop skills or Focus on training
There is some importance in developing skills. First, it is also important to try anything that gives someone opportunites. However, if it is not related to their ordinary jobs, it is just a waste to time. If people have enough time to develop themselves, they need to concentrate on developing their strenghts and imporving on their weaknesses. This is more helpful to their careers. Second, peopl..
2025.03.21 -
[TOEFL/Vocabulary] Paraphrasing (3)
1. fall short of my expectations= not meet my standard, be disappointing 2. there's no harm in -ing= no negative consequences, it costs nothing to do 3. take absolutely no notice of= completely ignored 4. there's little prospect that= it's extremely unlikely that, there's scarce probability that 5. give us food for thought= give something to think about, make us think about, considered 6. have a..
2025.03.17 -
[TOEFL/Writing] Question 2 : Protect wilderness
Like Kelly, I think people need to protect wilderness areas from humans. If people try to develop nature, ecosystems will be destroyed. Consequently, the normal cycle of the Earth is also affected by the destruction of ecosystems, and then humans are finally affected in negative ways; unpredictable weather, destruction related to weather, lack of food, and so on. At the very least, we sould not ..
2025.03.17 -
[TOEFL/Writing] Question 1 : Professors' TV appearances
The writer and the lecturer mentioned the advantages and disadvantages of professors' televition appearances. The writer mentioned some advantages and the lecturer mentioned some disadvantages of professors' TV appearances. First, the writer said professors could improve their reputations if they appear on TV. They could spread their ideas to the public and acquire importance as acholars. On th..
2025.03.11 -
[TOEFL/Grammer] Paraphrasing (2)
They analyzed the data and it revealed that boys spent more time on video gaming than girls.Analysis of the data revealed that ... They investigated whether children were more tired after playing video games.There was an investigation into whether ...They conducted an investigation into whether ... Children used video games to construct alternative worlds and scientists studied this.Children use..
2025.03.10 -
[LeetCode/MySQL50] 577. Employee Bonus
ProblemSolutionselect E.name, B.bonusfrom Employee as Eleft join Bonus as B on E.empID = B.empIDwhere B.bonus Null값도 포함 시켜야 하기 때문에 where 절에서 is null을 활용해주기맨날 이 부분을 까먹는 것 같다
2025.03.10 -
[TOEFL/Writing] Question2 : Meal-kits
I agree with Andrew even though I understand what Claire says. However, it doesn't make sense for everyone to order meal-kits. Some still want to cook by themselves and others who are not good at cooking can use meal-kits and intake proper nutrients. Young adults, especially, scarcely know how to cook well. Though they find some recipes and follow these, they might overcook or burn their meals o..
2025.03.08 -
[TOEFL/Grammer] Make sentences correct (1)
After turning the corner, a deer jumped out .... (X) -> 명확하지 않은 주어After I had turned, a deer jumped out...She insisted on his apologize = She insisted that he apologize. (subjective)He suggested that she take a break. (subjunctive)Had I known about the meeting, I would have attended. Had I known... -> empathizing
2025.03.06 -
[TOEFL/Writing] Question 1 : Rambrandt's painting
The writer and the lecturer talked about a Rembrandt's painting, Portrait of an Elderly Woman. The writer mentioned this painting could not be painted by Rembrandt and the lecturer disagreed. The first reason that the writer mentioned was that the white linen cap was only for servants and the luxurious fur collar could not be fore servants. However, the lecturer said when seeing an X-ray pictur..